PLUS, you'll get a download of my simple 3 step Lifehack Protocol and lots of great emotional release strategies!

Before finding a lifestyle strategy that worked, I struggled with my health for years.

Hello, I'm Karen Atkins, vitality lifestyle coach, speaker, author, healer and songwriter.


Good Morning America calls me a “health guru” (which is what finally got my father to listen to my health advice), but I was more flattered when Paul Simon personally gave me the thumbs-up on my cover of his song Slip Slidin’ Away... because music is my deepest passion.😍

But why should you care about all of that?

You are interested in exploring the healing power of music AND you’re curious to see how much more vital and alive you can feel.

As a singer-songwriter and vitality lifestyle coach I work with other health-minded music lovers like you to enhance:

  • Joy
  • Love
  • Energy
  • Impact
  • Income
  • Freedom
  • Fulfillment
  • Youthfulness

and reduce

  • Pain
  • Stress
  • Worry
  • Sadness
  • Disappointment
  • Regret

With 20 years of experience in over 40 alternative health modalities, I've been blessed to help thousands of happy people thus far and my youtube channels have reached over 1 MILLION people.

What works is prioritizing and patience with lots of love and smart, snack-sized, easy-to-implement steps — and the special added touch of music that is healing.

Yes, there are still people in this world who simply want to give back and share what they’ve learned to help people become happier and healthier, so perhaps I can help you.

I wasn’t always the picture of health. In fact, when I was in my early 20s, I felt so awful that I couldn’t imagine ever being healthy and happy again. But I wanted it badly enough that I kept trying…

I was doing everything “right” or so I thought…

I tried literally every healing tool you can imagine. I researched the “perfect” diet, went to bed early, had regular massages and other kinds of self care, studied with health gurus, spiritual gurus, yoga gurus, consulted with life coaches, astrologers, energy healers, you name it, I probably tried it. 😅

BUT I was still tired and as soon as my stress would increase, I would tank and I found myself at a loss for what to do.

I was missing 3 KEY elements to being vibrant, happy and healthy

That’s when I learned that the body can heal from anything provided:

  • It's talking to itself
  • We have enough life force
  • We give it the right kind of vibrational support

In my Ted Talk, I shared that everything that you want to bring into your life - love, friendship, abundance, success, money, happiness, health - all of these things come almost seamlessly when we have this one missing piece - ENERGY.


And I’m going to reveal to you how you can get much more of it, without working too hard. (In fact, working too hard is one of the things that is depleting it!)

I have researched TONS of healing musical frequencies that help us harmonize with the universe and are proven to reduce stress, anxiety and other emotions we may be struggling with and I put many of them into my music.

And guess what?

COMBINING Modalities = 100% results

I also found that when you combine the most effective healing tools and practices WITH these musical frequencies, you can get up to 100% reduction in your stress and move the blocks that are holding you back from emotional freedom and crazy amounts of great energy.

What if you don’t have much free time?

Frequently, it isn't "time" which you’re lacking, but energy. With planning and guidance, you can find both.

My mentoring program has reached its cap for the year. BUT, if you would like to receive some of my strategies, tips and music for FREE via email, just enter your name and email address. You’ll also be the first to know when mentoring slots become available again.

I am so excited for you to get started feeling free and energized!

