My alternative to Tony Robbins for overcoming fear
Have you ever thought about why we have negative emotions? Let’s talk about the real purpose of negative emotions, starting with fear.
Maybe you are afraid to take a chance on a risky business deal, or of rejection from someone who might very well be your soulmate. ❤️❤️And sometimes...
It can be more of a subconscious fear, like feeling anxious even though you don’t have anything specific to be anxious about! But...
Fear is actually an important survival mechanism. Without a little bit of fear, we would throw ourselves into dangerous situations for no reason. Fear keeps us alive! But then...
Fear can become a paralyzing emotion. 😳 That’s when...
It becomes problematic and starts sucking us into a debilitating downward spiral. Too much fear will keep us in our comfort zone, EVEN IF that comfort zone is unhealthy for us.
Can you relate to staying in a relationship or a job that makes you miserable simply because you were afraid to make a change? Personally...
I use music to turn negative emotion into creation. 😧 🎶☀️
Emotions (negative or positive) have incredible creative power and when we turn them into something tangible, like a song - we suddenly have a place for them. 🌈 In fact...
Moving these emotions out into the world as creation is a powerful way to let go of them and move to the next level of acceptance... forgiveness.
This song I wrote called "By Your Side" was inspired by the actions of the water protectors at Standing Rock in North Dakota and all other acts of sisterhood and brotherhood, and it’s my gift to you... to remind you that you are never alone.
Looking back at when this music video first went viral, it’s clear to me that it resonated with so many people because it transforms our feelings of fear and discouragement into a message of solidarity, which is what it did for me when I wrote it.
And no matter what is going on in your world... You can find a way to release your fear and turn it into connectedness - with others, and most importantly, within your heart and soul (and kidneys and bladder - more on this shortly!).
Enjoy the video and I’d love to hear what you think in the comments and if you like it, please share it with your friends!