Let it go!

We have been talking about specific organs of the body that are associated with different emotions according to Chinese medicine. With anger…

It’s your liver and gall bladder.

These organs have hundreds of jobs to keep your body alive and thriving. When these organs (particularly the liver with its 500+ functions) are supported and healthy, you are able to move anger through and out of your body and remain calm, rather than react irrationally. But...

Anger is often the underlying emotion behind sadness or being hurt. 😢 It could be someone else’s words or actions that hurt you, but instead of talking to them about it, you keep the feelings inside. In certain cases...

It might not be possible to express your feelings directly. Over time, this becomes frustration and resentment and then...

There’s that final straw and you BLOW UP! 💣After you calm down, you say to yourself.. Geez, that wasn’t even like me! What’s going on?

There are ways to ease the blow of stressful situations in your day to day existence that even Harvard Medical School has dubbed "medication in motion."

Since qigong and other forms of moving meditation have been a part of my life, I react to things way less, because my life force is able to move smoothly. The great news is...

All you need is yourself and just a few minutes of your time. 🙆🏾

To support you, I created this healing sounds video for the liver to make this a fun way for you to elevate your health and wellbeing. 🙂

Watch my healing sounds liver video here and please share it if you find it useful.